martes, 2 de junio de 2009

The tissues

A tissue are a group of cells with a similar structure that do the same type of activity. Tissues are present in complex animal and plants. Sponges, jellyfish, algae, fungi do not have tissues.

covering>>Epithelial >>Protection>> Skin, blood vessels,interior of organs.
Glandular>> Secretion>> Glands, glandular epithelium of theintestine.
Adipose>>Reserve/insulation>> All the body
Cartilaginous>> Skeleton >>ears, inter-vertebrate disc, tracheal rings...
Bone Skeleton Skeleton
Blood>> Transport>> All the body
Muscular >>Smooth>>Movement>>Internal organs
Striated>> Movement>> Skeletal Muscles
Cardiac>> Movement>> Heart
Nerve>> Information/responses>> Nervous system

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